Tamil Nadu is a state governed by the Constitution Act. The Constitution Act lays down the laws governing the constitution and the functioning of the state government. It also governs the courts which are subordinate to the state government.
The state has bar association and so the names of lawyers practicing in the state are listed in the public domain. The Bar Associations in Tamil Nadu have a number of Lawyers for Bail matters who specialize in different areas of the Criminal law. They can refer you to lawyers who are practicing in your state.
Tamil Nadu has also a very eminent group of solicitors who can provide you with the best lawyers for bail matters in Tamil Nadu. The solicitors in Tamil Nadu can represent you in all the important proceedings. They can provide you the legal advice regarding the various cases.
It can also assist you in preparing documents related to your immigration or if you are planning to emigrate to India. The lawyers in Tamil Nadu will be able to guide you in dealing with various issues associated with immigration such as immigration papers.